Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fitness Fitness Fitness

So I am determined to get fit! I am tired of be frumpy. Blaaaaaaaah!

I have worked out 7 time out of the last 9 days and 3 of those workouts were with a trainer. Vanessa is beyond awesome. Her workouts are intense but you feel like you have sweat a pound after each workout. Oh snap I have! So in the last 9 days I have lost 3 pounds. The goal is to keep those pounds off and lose more. I am learning that cardio is a huge keep to my success. Got to keep that heart rate up.

The other part is a clean diet. Now this part is super hard. I love to eat! I wish I was born a super picky eater like my friend Jamie (who I love). But I wasn't and food can be my enemy. Eatting at home seems to be a good way of controlling what I eat. Packing lunch is also a key. (oh and I am pretty sure packing leftover from a restuarant is a no bueno unless it's your cheat day) Snacks such as nuts can be depressing. But ... eye on the prize! On cheat days I am working on portion control. Last night at Jen's birthday dinner I only ate half my tappenyaki and save the rest (oh and I ate 2 portions of salad. Rianne wanted no salad so I ate hers). Lots of water. I have been told to eat lots of protein which is another one of my problems. Meat is not a fave for me. However, protein shakes are not so bad. Chocolate is pretty yummy. But I am only taking protein after a workout. I am still too scared to drink it any other time for fear of gaining weight. I have also learned that juice is bad. Vanessa and Kenny have also informed that orange juice is bad. Sad! Looks like H2O is the only way.

Thursday is the hair appointment. I wonder if it's too early for a makeover in that department yet.

I also want to get some organizing and decorating done. We have moved in over a year and I still feel like things are a mess. Sad. Where do women find the time to do everything?

Wish me luck!


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